What is the O-Shot?
The O-Shot is a highly popular non-surgical treatment routinely performed at our state-of-the-art dermatology practice (serving the greater Nashville area). This innovative non-surgical female sexual health treatment sources PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) from your own blood and the doctor injects it into the upper vagina and clitoris to restore proper sexual functionality and rejuvenate the vagina.
What are some benefits of the O-Shot?
The O-Shot offers the following benefits:
- Tightens the vagina
- Increases sexual sensation and pleasure
- Boosts sex drive
- Reduce / eliminate pain during sex
- Improves minor urinary incontinence
Our top rated board certified dermatologists at Transformative Dermatology are passionate about women’s sexual health and strive to provide our patients with discreet, personalized, and effective care that fulfills their post-treatment goals.
Am I a candidate for the O-Shot?
You may be a candidate for the O-Shot if you
- Are between 27-70 years old and healthy enough for sex
- Experience pain / physical discomfort / difficulty achieving orgasm during sex
- Have minor urinary incontinence
- Lack a desire for sex
- **Desire a better sex life
What does the O-Shot do?
The O-Shot may restore normal functionality in the clitoris and upper vagina, activate stem cells and rejuvenate the vagina. The O-Shot is a highly popular treatment that treats multiple areas of the vagina to allow cell repair / regeneration.
Because the O-Shot repurposes PRP sourced from your own blood, the minimally invasive treatment also helps the formation of new blood vessels and produces collagen that helps with overall vaginal tissue repair.
Overall, the O-Shot can provide women with a tighter, more elastic vaginal canal, decreased / resolved urinary incontinence, smoother skin on the vagina’s external lips, more frequent orgasms, and increased vaginal lubrication.
What happens on the day of my O-Shot injection?
Your top rated board certified dermatologist administers a numbing solution to the vagina, followed by a blood draw (from the arm). The doctor provides a nerve block to ensure the treatment is pain-free. Once the PRP is extracted from the blood, the solution is injected directly into the vaginal wall, labia minora, and clitoris for optimal results.
Please note: We supply all patients with Pro-Nox™ (laughing gas which is not a narcotic) and the Alpha-Stim® device to maximize your comfort and diminish any anxiety you may be feeling.
How long does the procedure take?
The O-Shot procedure typically takes around an hour. here is no downtime and patients can engage in sexual intercourse as usual following treatment.
Are the results permanent?
The O-Shot may be effective in patients for up to three years. It is common for many women to receive the O-Shot every ~18 months to maintain the full effects of the minimally invasive non-surgical procedure.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a cosmetic dermatology or general dermatology consultation please contact us.